Catastrophic Revolution

Ugur Akcora
2 min readJun 21, 2022


Modern world is going through bad times due to some events in history. We owe everything in the modern world we live in today to some events in the age of enlightenment as a modern humans. People feel effects of this event that called Frenc Revolution. Of all the effects of this revolution, killing of enlightened people and overthrow of monarchies.

Killing of enlightened people during the revolution is the primary and horrendous effect of French Revolution. French Revolution can be seen like very good event in history but it is not mostly because perpetrators of the revolution killed many scientists and intellectual environment. To give an example, after the revolution succeeded, revolutioners killed scientists in all of France without any reason even though they took all the power in the country. Another example is that, it is the destruction of the intellectual and scientific environment that comes from enlightenment. With the killing of scientists, that environment also disappeared. In brief, deatsh of these people seems to be the main effect of French Revolution.

Overthrow of monarchies can be considered to be the second effect of French Revolution. It is a clear fac that monarchies are not based on people’s power of elect. It does not mean that everything people choose is right anyway. The orientations people chose at that time caused elite people to die. For example, all elitist people were vulnerable because of these revolutioners during the revolution. Moreover, destruction of monarchies caused many bad events after French Revolution. Wrong nationalist movements killed many people and destroyed nature without any reasons. In short, there has been problems about monarchies die to this revolution.

To sum up, French Revolution has unfortunately led to several disastrous effects, two of which are killing of enlightened people and overthrow of monarchies. It is likely that French Revolution will have been spoken in the whole world.



Ugur Akcora

Some things about history, science, space, culture, civilization and life.